Never too old for anything Posted 07th Jun

One of the things I have been hearing about a bit recently is the notion that when people retire at the age of 55-60, many hunker down for the long haul towards their meeting with the mystery. 55-60 is NOT old but the phrases "i'm too old for that" , "that is something I should have done when I was younger" etc - that come out of this age group a lot - got well and truly blown out of the water this week when 102 year old Dorothy Custer base jumped from the Perrine Bridge in Idaho as a birthday treat. She mentioned in an interview that the secret to her longevity is her propensity to enjoy life. Last year she did a high zip wire challenge on her 101st.
Dorothy obviously gets a lot out of leaving her comfort zone and loves it. At 102 she is still adventuring and creating the magic for herself. The reason this caught my attention is the base jumping is a sport I have been obsessed with for years but as yet, I have not put myself in the position to do it because it frightens the life out of me. It is the ultimate fear for me, yet it captivates me.
Dorothy Custer proved this week that is is never too late to banish your limitations and go right to the edge. Judging by her smile on the link below, it won't be the last time she will do it!
So thanks Dorothy, I can put it off for a while yet.